074 Dana Blankenhorn – What We Got Wrong About Apple

Dana Blankenhorn has been a tech journalist for forty years and knows the industry well. He recently wrote an article about how Apple surprised investors with their capital outlay and success in cloud computing.

In this interview we discus why cloud matters and how Apple is winning.

Of course, talking to Dana about tech is like opening a fire hydrant (in a good way!). He has so much to share and has a unique ability to express it in understandable and enjoyable ways.

(Press play button to listen or click here to download.)

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Dana Blankenhorn Apple

Some highlights:

  • Why everyone expected bad earnings for Apple, and were wrong.
  • What it takes to succeed in cloud and why Apple is doing so well.
  • What Apple needs to do next to stay on top.
  • Is Apple insane to try to build a car?
  • Why cloud is so important and who is dominating the market.
  • Conversely, we discussed who has lost with cloud.
  • We also discuss how the way things change, is changing.
  • Will IBM and General Electric be the next “sexy” stocks?
  • What the “Cancer Moonshot” teaches us about the great public works of the future (and how China is beating the U.S.).
  • How small companies are so good at disruption, but it takes large companies to do great things.

Other stocks discussed: Tesla, General Motors

I hope you enjoy the interview.

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074 Dana Blankenhorn – What We Got Wrong About Apple

Dana Blankenhorn Apple

Find Dana on Seeking Alpha

Disclosure: This article is for information purposes only. Comments made by my guests do not necessarily represent the views of Brian or Investor in the Family. There are risks involved with investing including loss of principal. Brian and Investor in the Family makes no explicit or implicit guarantee with respect to performance or the outcome of any investment or projections made. There is no guarantee that the goals of the strategies discussed by Brian and Investor in the Family will be met.